Our clients come to us (mostly) for one of two reasons:
They are either experiencing pain and or disfunction in their body or they want to perform better in their daily activities.
There is no secret to living pain free, when it comes to the body that moves you. It’s simple. You have to move the body.
Exercise and stretching (no surprise, it’s what we’ve know for years). Both of these breakdown and reform muscle and connective tissue. By adding a force, be it gravity, motion, or resistance, we are asking more of the body than it has available in its current state.
For example: Astronauts. After an extended time in space, it is found that their bone density has decreased. Meaning their bones are weaker. Why is this? No force has been place on their body for an extended period of time. Gravity is a force that acts on your bones. The body responds to this by building you bones that can overcome that force
That, in a way, is what we do here at Idlewild Health Studio.
Like exercise. Like stretching… and like Gravity. We apply a force to your body.
Building you; healthier, more resilient…functional tissue.
Leaving you with less pain and a better performance in your daily activities.
Simply put;
we use pressure, we use movement, we use resistance to get you moving and feeling better and…guess what?!
Your body responds!
You are the architect of your own health.
The boss of your body.
The hero of your story.
Our intention:
To get you on the path to feeling and moving better.
To get you through… or ready for…the next chapter in your story.
You may be pushing through an injury or a recent medical procedure.
You may be feeling drained, tired, and worn out
You may be putting in long hours at work. You have a kink in your neck and an unexplained pain in your shoulders.
Where ever you find yourself in the story is where we will meet you .
It’s about you. At Idlewild Health Studio we are here to guide you through.
Below is a fun informative video (6 min) providing you with the details and the information on how your story with us begins.